Welcome to the first blog of Profound Partnerships today Feb 1, 2019.
I’m Carolyn, the founder of Profound Partnerships, a course app for couples. It’s a seventeen module interactive course, shared between two people, and it has taken me six years to complete.
So, why would I devote six years of my life to developing a course for couples? It’s because your love partnership is the most important relationship in life, and without guidance it could leave you without answers and potentially feeling at a loss when trying to manage emotionally difficult situations.
Relationships can bring you a fulfilling connection that leaves you happier and healthier than ever before or at worst derail your life.
However, I must admit that I wrote this course for another reason: to save my life. It’s a long story that I’ll share a little later, but the short story is that trouble in my own partnership began to disrupt my entire nervous system. As my mood took a plunge, I lost strength throughout my body. I even found it difficult to pick up a quart of milk. That’s when I knew I had to find answers and make changes.
I started researching everything I could about the effects of love, stress, and all other emotions that affect the body and brain. I learned from my doctors, mentors, physical therapists, and from the stack of books written by PhD experts on the subjects of neuroscience and neuropsychology.
I leaned that couples affect each other’s brain, emotions and biology. I’m sure you’ve heard it said all too many times that stress effects every organ and system of the body.
It intrigued me to learn that our brain is out to protect us from anything that is construed as danger, even if it means shutting down the nervous system to help us avoid the stress of emotional pain. We are all unique individuals who react differently to stressful situations. It was also a revelation to learn about brain-science and how it can be applied to our everyday life so that we can live a more, balanced, productive, enjoyable life, and have the best love partnership attainable.
After all my years of research and physical therapy, I experienced a complete recovery.
Knowing that what I had learned was not mainstream education, I wanted to help couples have a better chance at the survival and growth of their love. Yes, it was a long process. Lucky for you, the course has condensed all my years of research and experience into an easy-to-use web application. In the app, couples discuss many important life topics and privately exchange notes and ideas. Through this, they can understand each other’s thoughts and values to live happier, fulfilled lives together.
I developed this course because I know first-hand how much work it takes to recover from physical deterioration caused by stress in relationships. So, I’ve done and will continue to do everything in my power to prevent that from needlessly happening to you. I want couples to be able to manage inevitable life stressors with emotional resilience.
Having a profound partnership is not intuitive: relationships require skills that can be developed. A profound partnership is science-based, brain-based, heart-based, and enduring.
I wish you love, and I’ll devote the remainder of my days to being the best support for you and your life partner in as many ways as I can think of and research.
In the next blog, I’ll be introducing you to Kate Lyons, an inspirational writer from our course app test group. She’ll relay her experiences and lessons learned from the course with her partner. There is no better person to talk to you about how to benefit most from the course than from someone who has taken it first-hand.
We invite you to take part in this valuable resource so you can grow in your love partnership.
Visit our website www.ProfoundPartnerships.com to learn more and purchase.