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A Meditative  - Brain Exercise

Relax for a few minutes and try something new.


Mindfulness is a mental exercise for a calmer, more motivated, aware,

self-controlled, and compassionate you.


Research has demonstrated (with fMRI imaging) that blood flow can redirect in the brain in reaction to imagery or statements. Be careful what you watch and listen to that will affect your brain.


Mindfulness is a meditative state of observance on your thoughts

as they pass by, without placing any judgment on them.


mindfulness meditation
Observe deeply in nature


As you practice Mindfulness and notice a more peaceful mindset, you will have prompted a change in your brain, resulting in a more positive and appreciative perspective, which allows you to accomplish more.


See what the experts say. 


  • Dr. Heidi Hanna: In her book ‘The Sharp Solution’ A Brain-Based Approach for Optimal Performance, Focus Your Mind: (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) “MSRB participation was associated with enhanced quality of life, decreased stress symptoms, altered cortisol, and immune patterns consistent with less stress or mood disturbance and decreased blood pressure. MBSR has been shown to positively impact the immune system’s functioning, decrease anxiety and depression, and increase happiness, flow, and enjoyment of life.(Copyright 2013, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, Pg 97, Chapter 4)


  • Srinivasan S. Pillay, MD: In his book 'Life Unlocked' 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear, The Science of Overcoming Dread, "...Mindfulness is about bringing your attention away from the past and future and into the present to focus on not what has happened or what is going to happen, but what is happening. Thus, while mindfulness is absolutely necessary for intention to manifest, attention to the present is essential for mindfulness to occur."                          (Copyright 2010 printed in USA, RODALEPg. 68, Chap. 2)


  • Mark R Waldman & Chris Manning,PhD: In their book 'NeuroWisdom' The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness and Success How to Manage Your Busy Brain, "Mindfulness is an awareness-enhancement strategy, and all you have to do to practice it is remain deeply relaxed, bringing your attention into the present moment as you notice the creative dreamlike processes that quietly go on in the background of your mind."

      (Copyright 2017, A Division of Diversion Publishing Corp, NYC Pg 26 Chap. 2)



Being mindful is to simply become more aware of:


  • What you Feel within (No judgments, just observations)

  • What you Hear (Close your eyes and listen deeply)

  • What you See (Look for details, texture, blends of color)

  • What you Smell (Go outside, or open a window)

  • What you Taste (Savor the tast of your foods a little longer)

  • What you Touch (enjoy the textures of all life that surrounds you)

Be Mindful of the sounds in nature
Be Mindful of the sounds in nature

When You Walk:


While taking a walk, notice the variety of birdsong, the breeze, temperature, cloud formations, variations in colors, the rhythm of your steps, your breathing, textures, your heartbeat, sweat, the comfort of clothing, and much more.


You're being observant, without any value judgments.




Try This Exercise:


Mindful Social Interaction:

  • Increase empathy and pay attention to how the other person is feeling and responding.

  • Reflect on your communication values (i.e. kindness, respect, patience), and speak slowly.

  • Be observant of facial expression, the tone of voice, body language, and your emotional response to the conversation.


All you need are a few minutes per hour, and you will have lowered your blood pressure and feel calmer. 




Benefits of Mindfulness: 


  • Increased motivation

  • Enhanced memory

  • Lower stress

  • New insight


More people are doing mindfulness than you may realize.




You Try now.


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