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Carolyn Lyons Galos - Biography


Thank you for your interest in learning a little bit about me as the founder and developer of Profound Partnerships.


For the past 20 years and counting, I've researched, read books, and taken courses that teach me about: relationships, self-betterment, success, business, neuroscience, internet publishing, love, health, forgiveness, and recovery.


I always endeavor to better myself and pursue new studies.


People who know me say I'm a business owner, teacher, inventor, commercial artist, writer, gourmet cook, entertainer, adventurer, skier, and swimmer. I love all that about myself. My personal and professional interests are diversified. 


As long as I’m engaged in an interesting topic that a good segment of the population is also interested in, then I feel gratified in presenting it in a way that people find relevant to their life experience.


I have an insatiable desire to seek the beauty of our world.

What could be better than searching out and discovering life's great adventures?


I am a deeply personal, spiritual individual, and a lover of life.

Family; it is sacred to me, my husband, and two sons.


My goal is to give couples (new, unmarried, engaged, starting over, or married) a new perspective on how to sustain their partnership with the many exciting new strategies and latest findings that brain science reveals.


I'm dedicated to using education to help change mindsets and behaviors so that we can be a more unified world in all our partnerships.  


Carolyn - the founder

Carolyn portrait
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