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A Makeover for Your Mindset & Emotions

Carolyn Lyons Galos

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As you progress through this action-packed 

Table of Contents:  (Click the links to quickly go to each section)

1.   Introduction

2.   Your Mindset

3.   Emotional Intelligence

4.   The Benefits of Self-talk

5.   Self-talk with Curiosity

6.   Constructive Possibility Thinking

7.   Self-talk Before Sleep

8.   The Effects of Stress on Health & Relationships

9.   Mindfulness Exercise for Relaxation

10. EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique 

11. How to Replace Negative Thoughts & Renew Your Mind

12. Three Exercises for Improving Your Perspective

13. Frequency, Sound healing & Movement Meditations

14. Conclusion

1. Introduction

1. Introduction

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you're right.”-Henry Ford


We're complex.

Our subconscious reasoning dominates our conscious thoughts.


BUT when we consciously decide to override a belief that hinders our growth, there is a very easy and interesting way to do it!


In this ebook, you'll be able to replace your repetitive, naggingly negative narratives, which can undermine what starts out to be a perfectly positive day. 


You'll find out how your brain can be redirected to bring about lasting positive results.

It's a feeling as good as running a marathon and coming in first! 

You'll discover how it feels for you.


This e-book is packed with actionable, brain-science practices that couldn't be easier.


It used to be thought that any mental changes would need extensive therapy that spans months or even years. 

Not anymore. There are very effective remedies that take as little as a few seconds to a few minutes that help you feel a more positive result in your emotions. 


Replacing negative beliefs that reside in the subconscious can take a little longer.

I took my time in a quiet space and did the entire process in a couple of hours and wow what a difference!

I felt like I had been washed clean on the inside, it also felt bright, refreshing, and it permeated my upper extremity in the heart region. I had never experienced that depth of feeling before. It's a powerful process and I wanted to share it with you so you could have your own unique experience. It's the grand finale of this e-book.


Are you willing to get started with a new growth mindset that will impact your entire life?


We're not fixed in time and our current circumstances aren't permanent.

They can be changed if you want to and if you're motivated to get busy with some simple solutions then they can get you going in the direction of your desires.


It's time to say goodbye to your inner struggles and welcome in new methods for a renewed mindset in the way you:

  1. - Speak to yourself.

  2. - Think of your past and future.

  3. - Manage your emotions.

  4. - Relate to coworkers and loved ones.

  5. - Succeed.

  6. - Maintain your physical health. 


You're far more capable than you've ever been lead to believe.

  • Allow yourself to reveal the errors of your subconscious reasoning.

  • Be open.

  • Be honest with yourself and your past.

  • No holding back, just let it flow and go deep in yourself.


Do this first:

Open a new document for yourself and give it a special memorable title just for you.

That's where you'll go to do your writing, make a few lists for yourself and ask yourself some very liberating questions. 


Enjoy the process!

2. Your Mindset

On Your Marks

Your mindset encompasses your set of attitudes and beliefs.
Jen Elmquist, a licensed psychotherapist, describes the importance of our mindsets:

"Mindset influences our self-esteem, health, relationships, and career, which determines the course of your life. Your thoughts and emotions drive your actions. You can always change and train your mind to move in a different direction." 

Being consciously aware of your mindset is a foundation for your success.

Prior to starting a new challenge check-in and ask yourself why you want to complete the challenge. Keeping your personal “why” in mind makes it easier to stick to your goals. 


How & Why We Choose to Make Personal Changes:

  • We want to feel the victory of accomplishment.

  • We believe that we can complete the mental task or physical challenge.

  • We are motivated to manage our actions and thoughts.


The Mindset of Our Feelings and Emotions.


Our emotions drive our actions.

We want to feel like we have accomplished at a level beyond expectations, or beyond our current abilities. 

We also want to feel different, feel more accomplished than we do right now, and feel proud of ourselves for having achieved the goal in mind. 

Feelings are associated with the motivation to move forward or become successful. Throughout this journey, we often hope to be challenged, noticed, or awarded in some way. These feelings can motivate us to start and complete a goal.


The Mindset of Our Beliefs

Our beliefs drive our actions. Beliefs are at the core of our values. We need to believe that we can complete our challenges to make progress towards our goals. 

Believing that you have the strength and acuity to overcome obstacles is how you value your capabilities. 


The Mindset of Our Motivations

Our motivation can be either driven by external or internal reasons.


Our Internal reasons are more longlasting and hold a deeper meaning for us.

For example, one of the reasons I wrote this ebook was to show my children that goals can be accomplished at any point in one's life. I wanted them to know that we can always start over, overcome hardships and losses, learn something new, go in a new direction, or grow as an individual. I also wanted to instill the value of making a contribution to others' lives, to help them see their value, and to guide them in realizing their full potential. These internal motivations are at the core of who I am and have motivated me to complete this book.

There are many other internal reasons that drive me to accomplish monumental tasks. The majority of those reasons encompass discovering peace, happiness, and purpose at mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

My mindset is powerfully driven, as is yours.


The external reasons for accomplishing a goal are more short-lived and less satisfying to the human psyche than internal reasons.

For example, I wanted to write this book to add variety and value to my company. I thought that it was important to offer reasonably priced resources that anyone could benefit from.

These external reasons were important to me, but they did not fuel my mindset in a way that was strong enough in itself to be the soul of my motivation.


Be sure to check-in with what's driving you to do what you do and if your mindset or set of attitudes aligns with who you want to be.

Ask yourself, "Is this what I want to align with? or "How do I feel about this for the long term?"


Remember - Before you begin anything, be consciously aware of your mindset to ensure your success.

3. Emotional Intelligence - A Key to Success
Group Students Smilling

Emotional Intelligence as "The ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others." Defined by Relly Nadler Psy.D., M.C.C. 

If you want to succeed, your advancement will be dependent on your emotional intelligence (EI). Emotional self-management is required in every career, relationship, and situation you may experience. 


Emotional intelligence is a critical success factor for those around you as well. Neuroscience supports the idea that we broadcast our emotions to others on a subconscious level. These emotions are then internalized by those around us.  ​


For example, if you deal with anger or upsets in unhealthy ways, you may negatively affect others even if you do not mean to do so. 


Coupled with the fact that 70% of people think they perform at a level in the top 10% at work or in relationships, most individuals lack awareness about how they realistically perform and affect others. This means that we tend to overvalue our current performance. The statistics point out that we have a blind-spot in detecting our effectiveness at home or in the workplace.


Making a more accurate estimate of your emotional intelligence and learning to be aware of your cultural environment, including developing awareness about how your emotions affect others, is the key to your success.


In a professional setting, empathy and clarity are two assets that leaders look for in their employees. Clarity includes how we evaluate ourselves and our team for individual strengths and weaknesses. Team performance reaches maximum success when each member’s strength is valued and nurtured by others. 


Clarity and empathy also include connecting with each member of the team and being clear about commitments. When you apply this mindset to any relationship, you will earn the respect you deserve for being a centered and fair person who wants to use their unique abilities and strengths to advance towards your shared goals.


Focusing on your emotional intelligence can help you build a relationship where you feel committed, empowered to be your best, and trusted for how you strive to self-manage emotions for both personal and shared excellence. ​

4. Self-talk to Empower Your Inner Dialogue

2. What is Self-Talk?
Man Looking Out to the Mountains

Self-talk is a form of self-therapy which has a positive effect on your brain.


Put an end to your:

  • Internal rants

  • Demeaning self-talk

  • Endless loops of the same negative thoughts in your mind. 


Self-talk can yield lifelong benefits that serve your emotional needs.


You can spot and stop your inner monologue to benefit your mental and physical health. 

Exercising self-talk is a way to achieve inner peace and live the possibilities you want to fulfill your life.

As our expert blogger Kate Lyons puts it: 

“Controlling your inner thoughts is challenging, and I don’t think anyone can do it perfectly every single time. You don’t need to be perfect; all you need to do is give it a few tries.


Reaching for positive self-talk is meant to be an act of self-care, of reconnecting with your deepest self and being at peace with yourself. So don’t get discouraged if you struggle a little or keep getting distracted. That’s okay, just keep trying. That’s totally up to you!


Whenever you feel overwhelmed or scared or angry or sad, there will always be that positive center of yourself waiting for you. I can tell you that the more you access it, the easier it is.


This is your own space, all yours, where you can let all the rest fall away and simply exist. There’s an indescribable peace to that. 


Having a positive perspective also helps you in your relationships – with your romantic partner, with your friends, your family, coworkers, everyone. Carving out that internal space for yourself allows something magical to happen – you open up to the people in your life." 

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Self-talk is a person's internal dialogue, which can be positive and motivational or negative and stagnant.


Self-talk is being observant of what’s being said in your head throughout the day.

Think of self-talk as your inner voice, as a sports commentator. 


With the right personal messaging you can actually change your brain to do more of what you want it to do and less of what you don’t.


By using positive self-talk with encouraging statements, we can change blood flow from the anxiety part of the brain to the solution part.


Think of being a vigilant observer, ready to self-rescue at any moment.


Use positive self-talk to:       

  1. Boost your productivity

  2. Increase self-esteem 

  3. Relieve stress.

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5. Self-talk With Curiosity

3. Self-Talk With Curiosity

Whenever you notice yourself saying something negative in your mind, stop the thought by saying aloud: 

  • “Stop.”

  • “That’s enough of that.” 

  • “I notice, and want it to put an end to that thought!”


The next time you find yourself thinking of your limitations, turn them into a question.

Only use one question at a time.  


Ask Hopeful questions like:

-“How can I make this happen?”

-“What is possible?”

-“What specific things can I begin to do?”


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6. Constructive Possibility Thinking

4. Constructive Possibility Thinking

Constructive self-talk: You are capable of accomplishing your goals.



  • “I am open to …”

  • “I am capable of learning how to…”

  • “I will enjoy the process of…”


Explore with Curiosity:

Only use one question at a time.



  • “What could be making me feel like this?”

  • “What is my reward for doing all this?”

  • “What do I value most about this goal?”


When you have problems with starting a project:



  • “What will it take to complete this?”

  • “What is my next best step?”

  • “What am I doing that gives nothing in return?”


Possibilities Thinking: 



  • “What could help me fix this?”

  • “How can I simplify this process?”

  • “How can I make this more relevant to everyone?”

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7. Self-talk for Sleep

5. Self-talk for Sleep

Self-talk can be used before drifting off to sleep.


  • Your brain can then work on solutions while you sleep and provide a fresh perspective or novel answers in the morning.


  • Keep a pad of paper and pen close at hand to write down those thoughts, so they won’t slip away.


  • Seize the opportunity for fresh insight in the morning.

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8. The Effects of Stress on Health & Relationships 

6. The Effects of Stress on Health & Relationships


  • It is imperative to know what science says about the effects of stress, not only on your physical and emotional well-being but also on your relationships.


  • Relationships suffer from long-term stress. According to the Gottman Institute, stressors outside a relationship can cause issues within the relationship.


  • Stress interferes “with a couple's ability to communicate effectively, connect emotionally, and manage conflict in their relationship”


  • Our brains and nervous systems are not equipped for sustained long-term stress. Brain scans have shown how constant stress is damaging to the brain.​


  • Burnout from chronic stress has shown to damage every organ and system of the body.​


The good news is that there are simple solutions. Self-talk & mindfulness are two of them.


9. Mindfulness Exercise for Relaxation

7. Mindfulness Exercise for Relaxation
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Mindfulness is the momentary concentration on a present moment.


Mindfulness helps you focus on moment-to-moment awareness. It is the acceptance of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations, without judgments.  


The benefits of practicing Mindfulness:  

  • Increase motivation and self-control. 

  • Enhance memory, cognition, and awareness 

  • Generates self-love and compassion for others 

  • Lowers stress, anger, anxiety, depression 

  • Changes your brain to be more peaceful. 

  • It can permanently change the way you solve problems and communicate with your partner, coworkers, and family. 


You'll be able to remain observant and calm in the face of stressful situations. 

Just breath slowly with deep inhales and exhales as you observe the flow.    


10. EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique 

In this chapter we will introduce you to:

  1. EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - The science and benefits of the practice

  2. Enjoy our sample EFT tapping session on the topic of “Commitment”


Emotional Freedom Technique - The Science and Practice of Putting Your Past to Rest.


Look at all the benefits of practicing the Emotional Freedom Technique and follow along with the sample. 

You’ll first learn the easy steps and then be able to adapt the technique to any emotional experience that you’d like to put to rest. 


EFT is a process of elimination that you go through like peeling back the layers of various emotional upsets. Experience how the process can benefit your life.


Emotional freedom is a personal journey.
Your personal experience is oftentimes the only way to a solid conviction and healing.


Gary Craig, the founder of the Emotional Freedom Technique or (EFT) in 1995. He refers to the Emotional Freedom Technique as the "Unseen Therapist" and is a natural remedy that helps us focus on healing by looking at the root cause of our past emotional upsets. EFT is a process that helps eliminate those hurts of the past.


EFT is also referred to as "Tapping" because the emotional healing process incorporates tapping on specific meridian points.


Emotional Freedom Technique stems from the five-thousand-year-old Chinese discovery and mapping of our complex energy system that flows through the human body. Acupuncture pinpoints the meridians and a needling technique helps restore balance and the flow of energy where needed throughout the body. There are about 400 hundred points on the body. EFT uses only 9, 10, or sometimes a few more.


  I'm an advocate of acupuncture because I went for regular treatments for many years to reverse numerous conditions such as carpal tunnel, stress, and to restore my nervous system, all with 100% success.


EFT is a self-help technique that promotes balance in mind and body while reducing stress related to emotional upsets. It is a way to achieve a place of peace and contentment.
EFT allows healing to occur in the body and emotions. Your invisible therapist from within.
EFT is actively being tested in labs to observe what happens in the brain and results in relaxing the body which restores balance to organs and systems in the body.


Ask yourself, “What is the upside of staying stuck or the downside of reaching your goal?” Those are obvious answers, but sometimes unconsciously that is what we do to ourselves.


Dr. Dawson Church teaches that the science experiments and measurable results found in patients who practiced EFT in clinical settings showed positive improvements in their brain, hormones, and blood. 

Tapping has shown a balancing activity between the sympathetic and parasympathetic regions of your brain, which produces a more neutral emotional state.


Biological research shows brainwave change, genes change, hormones, and neurotransmitters all show positive change, and the biology of cells change. That then becomes an objective marker that demonstrates a positive effect happening in the body and brain.


Neurotransmitters in the brain show a reduction in stress hormones.
Serotonin (a pleasure hormone) increases bonding and desire.
Dopamine (a reward hormone) wants to pursue more pleasure.


A study conducted by Dr. Church showed that after a week of tapping and meditating, the baseline of stress cortisol dropped by 37%, which was a massive shift.

  • There was an immune function increase measured by a marker called immunoglobulins, more than doubled at 113%, which can add years to your life.

  • Tapping increases overall happiness and a positive outlook on life by a 30% gain.

  • With both EFT and meditation, 7 additional measurable neurotransmission hormones express intense pleasure. 

  • EFT will arouse bliss neurotransmitters such as Oxytocin to create intimacy, Nitrous oxide in the alert center of the brain, and Anandamide a bliss hormone.

  • ​

Like Einstein, Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist, refers to our cells as spinning nano-size tornadoes of atomic energy. That's all that we are when we look at our smallest component, the atom, which unites us all. Our senses frequently mislead us to think that we are fully aware of reality while we can only relate to four of the eleven dimensions: length, width, depth, and time.


Things we've known to be true throughout our lives have also changed over time and resulted in new beliefs about those ideas such as, health, relationships, or wealth.


How can I get to a place of inner peace is worth asking.


Being in a place of peace is where we'd all like to go for a vacation. We can discover that peace when we make room inside after tossing the clutter of a burdened past of bad memories.


Your mind is the operating system that directs your thoughts and emotions and dictates the outcome of your health.


The first step is to release childhood traumas, whether great or small. Start telling yourself a new story where you can feel at one with the divine and peace with yourself.


Seeking out a certified Tapping psychologist is advised for problems that may be beyond your ability to guide yourself. 


Self-healing is about being open to receiving a new emotional perspective that allows our body to heal.


BUT… sometimes we think we have to work at it and struggle so that everything we’re working toward will then be worthy of eventually happening. If we believe or think that we don't deserve it or aren't good enough, it puts a stop to the very outcome that we are looking to achieve. It’s as if when we're good enough or have done enough, that's when we'll be worthy of receiving.


Key: Be willing to let go of the emotional burdens of the past and be free of it. 

If you've already decided that you want to clear some of the emotional issues that keep getting in your way, then the process begins now.


Read the simple steps and procedure for being able to help yourself attain a more balanced psyche and achieve a sense of emotional freedom where possible healings occur.

For more detailed instruction see the guidelines and sample EFT tapping session below.


9 Tapping Points

1.      Side of Hand:

2.      Eyebrow

3.      Side of Eye

4.      Under Eye

5.      Under Nose

6.      Under Lip

7.      Collar Bone

8.      Under Arm

9.      Top of Head


The meridian tapping points & what they mean.

1.      Side of Hand: Small intestine, open, and receptive to help.

2.      Eyebrow: Bladder, emotions

3.      Side of Eye: Gall Bladder, emotions

4.      Under Eye: Stomach, emotions

5.      Under Nose: Governing Vessel (two channels working together), Tap 5 & 6 together

6.      Under Lip: Central Vessel (two channels working together), Tap 5 & 6 together

7.      Collar Bone: Kidney

8.      Under Arm: Spleen

9.      Top of Head: Governing Vessel of the whole person, say something positive


EFT Steps: Any tapping session will be a total of the following seven easy steps. 

1.      Identify a single issue or problem that's showing up. (ie. unforgiveness, resentment, anger, commitment)

2.      Create a short reminder phrase or title for the problem to help you stay focused.
Example:  "Broken Commitments” 

3.      Rate how intense it feels for you, 1-10 (1= slight, 10=overpowering).
Notice any physical sensations and note the location where you feel it.

4.      State an affirmation or invite a solution that gives you power over the problem. It’s a statement that starts with the words "Even though” while tapping with one, two, or three fingers on the Side of Hand.  Example: "Even though (“commitment is difficult for me” or, “people break their commitments to me”), I value and respect myself.”

5.     After tapping the “Even though” set-up statements then proceed through each tapping point one number at a time. (All the 1’s, then all the 2’s and so on) 

You will be stating the various hurtful memories of an event that resulted in a failed commitment.  Example: (Eyebrow: “That broken commitment”, Side of Eye: “I’ve been so upset by how my trust was betrayed.”, Under Eye: “ I’m tired of feeling like this.” etc.)

6.      Check-in with how your feeling after one round. If you went from 8 to 5, you improved. Notice if the physical sensation changed at all in intensity or location.

7.      Repeat the second round of the tapping sequence with different affirmations or comments that remind you of the failed commitment and also how you want to move on in your life and let go of the emotional bondage that has kept you captive. One comment per tapping point.



Your sample tapping session begins now. Follow along.

Trust the process and feel the evidence of emotional freedom and peace within yourself.


This tapping session example will give you a good idea of how tapping sessions progress. You may not need five rounds. You may feel relief and less affected by the emotions than at the start of the session. Congratulations, you will have experienced emotional freedom.


First start with a deep, slow breath to fill your lungs. Hold for a few seconds. Then release with an audible ahhhh from the mouth. Repeat the slow deep breath three times.


This resets the brain and gets you ready to start something new.


Sample Tapping Session:


State your “Even though” or “Set-up” statements: Your setup statement will allow your transformation to happen. You will be tapping on the side of your hand using 1, 2, or 3 fingers, whatever feels comfortable for you.


Side of Hand: To start your tapping session you’ll first say each of the “Even Though” set-up statements below.  

-    Even though broken commitments are uncomfortable to think about and have caused me way too much emotional upset, I’m ready to try to make peace with both my and other’s failed commitments.

- Even though a part of me can't believe that it's taken this long to get over that broken commitment, I'm still open to peace and resolution.

- Even though I feel this tug of war within myself over broken commitments, I'm ready to resolve that.

- Even though certain parts of my past have been challenging and difficult to process, I choose to approach the topic of commitment with care, compassion, and knowing that I’m in a safe place right now.

- Even though it feels uncomfortable, I'm ready to create success for myself in my commitments.

-   Even though I've been beating myself up over failed commitments and my emotional response to it, I honor how I feel and give myself permission to relax.


- Tap on each of the remaining 8 points in sequence for each round (all 1’s, all 2’s and so on)
- There are five tapping rounds on the topic of “Commitment.”


Eyebrow (Use two fingers so that you touch both eyebrow points at the same time.)

  1. I wish I had never committed to that.

  2. Part of me wants to push that commitment as far away as possible.

  3. Feeling tired, worn out, and ready to let this pattern go.

  4. I am ready to create success.

  5. I forgive myself for all the times that I sabotaged my commitments. 


Side of eye:

  1. Commitments seem unreliable.

  2. Part of me doesn't even want to talk about it.

  3. My mindset is a powerful starting place for commitment.

  4. I can use my power to commit and create what I want.

  5. I'm comfortable feeling committed to each of my goals.


Under eye:

  1. When I sabotage my commitments I feel powerless and like a failure again.

  2. Failed commitments feel awful and I want to put a stop to it. 

  3. Others appreciate my efforts in following through with my commitments.

  4. I can see myself moving forward with more realistic commitments.

  5. Each of my commitments benefits my life.


Under nose:

  1. I forgive myself for all the stress I may have caused others for failing their commitment to me.

  2. The question of trusting the commitment.

  3. I can make choices to commit and then choose again if I change my mind.

  4. I am in control of my commitments.

  5. I'm expecting success with how I commit and it's getting easier to follow through.


Under lip:

  1. I resent people’s broken commitments.

  2. I forgive myself for causing undue stress and drama in my life over commitments.

  3. I am in charge of making or breaking my commitments.

  4. All parts of me have a choice to be committed to whatever benefits my life.

  5. I'm ready to have a different emotional response to commitment. 



  1. I'm trying to be true to my commitments

  2. I still get angry at other’s broken commitments.

  3. I’m creating healthy new patterns that support my commitment choices.

  4. I am comfortable with the feeling of commitment.

  5. I'm starting to know what commitment feels like.


Under arm:

  1. I forgive myself for all the stress I may have caused others for failing their commitment.

  2. I'm ready to be over my past events of broken commitment.

  3. I like the feeling of staying true to my commitments.

  4. I know when I'm doing something that doesn’t feel right and that I can make another choice for myself.  

  5. I’m comfortable with the feeling of commitment.


Top of head:

  1. I’m in charge of my decisions and choose to commit to what benefits my life.

  2. It's ok for me to let go now of the resentment of broken commitments. 

  3. I'm free from the pain of broken commitments.

  4. I'm comfortable with the feeling of being committed.

  5. I’m deeply grateful to myself for making this commitment to give myself emotional freedom.


Finish your tapping session with a couple of slow deep breaths. Hold it a few seconds. Then release with an audible ahhhh from the mouth. Check-in with how you’re feeling. How would you rate yourself on the emotional scale of 1-10 now?


Exercises to help keep yourself in check:

1. Check-In with yourself three times a day and see how you're doing on a scale of 1-10.

2. Say, "I choose to let my self be free from my emotional past upsets." or "I’m ready to let go of the past and move forward in my life."

3. Listen to Youtube instrumental music at various peace producing frequencies such as Music communicates what words cannot, helping to transform us on the deepest level.

4. Say, “I'm ready to let go of it, all the upsets that have bothered me, so there's no longer any hold on my growth and future desires. One by one I’ll tap them all out of my life and be at peace. I am in control.”


Credits and for more in-depth learning:

1.      The Tapping Solutions website for further help and information is:

2.      Nick Ortner is the author of "The Tapping Solution," A revolutionary system for stress-free living.

3.      Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. – is a cell biologist and author of "The Honeymoon Effect," The science of creating heaven on earth.

4.      Dawson Church, Ph.D., is the author of "Mind to Matter." The astonishing science of how your brain creates material reality.

5.      Gary Craig is the founder of EFT and co-author of "The Unseen Therapist," a free ebook.

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11. How to Replace Negative Conditioning In Your Subconscious

This extraordinary process of replacing the negative conditioning that was instilled in us as a child is a liberating and cleansing process. I first learned about this process from 


We all have habits of thought that we learn or formulate, and then we believe that our attitudes, ideas, or concepts are true or false.


Some of those beliefs we dismiss as false immediately, and others we embrace as true. 

Neuroscience demonstrates with fMRI brain imaging that patients are affected in different regions of the brain when their beliefs are coupled with strong emotional attachment. 


For example, harmful beliefs about self-worth release hormones that have shown to be damaging to cell structure. And on the opposite side, imaging shows that gratifying beliefs release pleasure hormones that improve both the brain and immune system. 


We have between 20,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and 95% of those thoughts are repeats of the same thoughts we’ve had before. 


The dangerous part of that is that when we repeat a self-limiting statement (such as I’m not or I can’t) we cement that belief which further prevents us or sabotages us from being able to overcome it, even when we want to.

Add the 7 Step Sequence of questioning that helps to eliminate and replace subconscious invalidating beliefs.

12. Three Exercises for An Improved Perspective 

8. Three Exercises for An Improved Perspective

1. Validation Exercise: Look what you've accomplished!


  • Print out the "Gallery of Your Life" below so you can do your drawings.


  • Visualize your life accomplishments.


  • Draw them out very simply so you can recognize what each drawing represents in the picture frames of the gallery below.

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2. Unlikely Connections Exercise:


Making unlikely connections helps spark the innovative and intuitive part of your brain.


Ask Yourself:

  • “How are these two things connected?” (ie: pen & truck) Or, what do a pen and truck have in common? [Hint: materials, shape, use, any creative idea]

  • Any two objects will do, it’s fun to challenge yourself to see connections.

(You’ll get really good at making unusual comparisons.)


You’ll be more relaxed and open-minded.​

Red Pen
Blue Pickup Truck

3. Re-scripting Exercise: 

By turning powerful negative words into more neutral ones, you can neutralize negative experiences.


Re-frame negative language that has held you back from your potential.


  • If someone used to say hurtful things to you, re-frame it.


  • Write down what was said.


With the same rhythm of the words and an equal number of syllables, rephrase the negative words.

[Example: “You're no good, lousy kid.” Then rephrase it, “You're all good, loving kid.”] 


Repeat your re-scripted version to yourself until it is the only one that plays in your mind instead of the negative one.


Say to yourself: “This negative feeling is not real. It is only a fantasy formed by my brain.”

13. Conclusion

9. Conclusion

​I wish you well as you continue the growth process of a healthy mindset in each area of your life.


From Carolyn Lyons Galos, the founder of Profound Partnerships




  • How To Remove Limiting Beliefs Permanently -By Lion Goodman, PCC

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